Is that a latino accent it doesn't sound american?
That sounds like a Chinese accent. She could be South Korean, Taiwanese, Hong Kong, etc.
well worth listening to if you have not already..
Is that a latino accent it doesn't sound american?
That sounds like a Chinese accent. She could be South Korean, Taiwanese, Hong Kong, etc.
man, this mahamantra is some real hypnotic music!
it's weird, pleasurable, hypnotic and cult-like all rolled into one.
Man, this mahamantra is some real hypnotic music! It's weird, pleasurable, hypnotic and cult-like all rolled into one. lol. This is music that insular brainwashed JWs will never enjoy because of their fear of it being demonic.
It's good for the first 10 to 15 minutes but then it starts to get monotonous - as can be expected with any religion that focuses on chanting:
hello people.
the rc will still go ahead with it's live stream on friday 14th august.
however, it seem that it will be a video link.
i'd rather them not even question him at this point.
by allowing a video link, they put the ball 100% in his court.
i don't get what they expect to accomplish by having a video link only.. 2. he won't feel any pressure.
He won't feel any pressure. He's not in the hot seat. He's miles away when he gives an answer. I think this alone is a huge advantage for the JW side.
Not necessarily. It could turn out to be his undoing. It's easy for him to have a false sense of confidence and feeling less pressured could mean less adrenaline and thus a poorer performance when he's caught with a difficult question.
I wonder if the questions get too much there will suddenly be "technical problems" with the Video Link ?
That is my only concern - that the video link gives him an opportunity to chicken out at any time by feigning technical difficulties.
hi guys, .
in discussions with a current jw, they told me that have big concerns with regards to the 607 bce date, but they are waiting on jehovah for refining.
any suggestions on questions to pose to them based on their feedback?.
about two months ago two very attractive ladies in their mid 30's signed on at one of the gyms i belong to.
for a while i noticed them watching me and naturally i assumed they were taking an interest in how i went about training my clients since many do before they decide to approach me and inquire about my services (i own a health and fitness consultancy).. sure enough one of them approached me a few weeks back and asked me for a business card, inquired about rates and various other aspects involved with signing on with me.
i handed her a card and explained that my client schedule was full but she should consider signing on with one of my personal trainers who still had some open spots available.
hello people.
the rc will still go ahead with it's live stream on friday 14th august.
however, it seem that it will be a video link.
many hundreds and perhaps thousands of people, worldwide, are eagerly waiting for the questioning of geoffrey jackson at the australian royal commission on institutional response to child abuse.
this is the day that many have hungered for.
finally, a member of the governing body being questioned and compelled to make full disclosure, to the best of his knowledge, the very best of his knowledge.
last sunday i looked at next weeks study article, the first sentence states the truth!!!.
chastity is not a popular virtue.
And Horny is not a popular dwarf
Reminds me of a joke a once heard:
The seven Dwarfs visit the Vatican and get to meet the Pope. So they all get a turn to ask the Pope a question. Finally it's Dopey's turn so he asks the Pope:
"Are there any dwarf nuns here at the Vatican?"
The other Dwarfs start snickering silently. The Pope tells him no. So he asks:
"What about elsewhere in Rome and in Italy - are there any Dwarf nuns?"
Again the other dwarfs snicker this time a little louder as the Pope again tells him no. Finally he asks the Pope:
"What about elsewhere in the world? Are there any dwarf nuns anywhere at all on the planet?"
The Pope again tells him that there are absolutely no dwarf nuns anywhere and he's sure of it. All the other Dwarfs now burst out in loud laughter and they start to chant, school-yard style:
"Dopey f**ked a penguin!
Dopey f**ked a penguin!
Dopey f**ked a penguin!"